Blogg asignment 4, 5 and 6
The importance of a Manifesto
First things first Manifesto
Incomplete Manifesto for Growth (Bruce Mau)
Group discussion on these Manifestos
These manifestos are about designers feeling uncomfortable with the way their skill are being used. Their skills are being misused. These designers want their work to be more personal and not so commercialized. They want their work to be moved away from marketing and advertising and they want to express meaning and emotion throughout their design work. They want people to see individuality and be able to relate to their work, that is what make their work worth doing.
More manifestos of interest and relevance
Apple Crazy ones manifesto
Marinetti futurist manifesto
Frank Catalano the practical nerd manifesto
Chuck lorre Vanity Cards manifestos
How to write a manifesto
Conceptual Design

- Endangered species and poaching, wildfires, multiple dangers, drinking during pregnancy.
- Rhinos are not going to exist anymore if they keep killing them, animals, not only trees get killed in wildfires, alcohol abuse.
- Alcohol abuse, rhino/animal poaching, wildfires.
- Conceptual design has more value and it is more engaging, more aspects can be talked about, much less words on the actual design. The picture does the talking. Commercial design is done for the purpose of advertising and is done in a way so its understood easily by the masses and use words to do the convincing.
United Colors of Benetton Campaigns
What stays the same about the Benetton brand is the way they use social and controversial issues to help with their advertisements. The always use these issues to make their campaigns get more attention and response. What also stays the same on the campaigns is the fact that they always have their logo somewhere on the advertisement, no matter what the ad is about or how small or big it is.
The changes in the Benetton campaigns might be that the ads stay up to date and change according to what issues are most current and serious at the moment. They don't concentrate on the same issues the whole time.